It is dedicated to the problem of depression among adolescents. Through the prism of anxious fantasies, the film tells the story of high school student Katsumi, who is experiencing a depressive disorder and in despair to find support from loved ones.
"It's very cool that our film goes to Japan. Besides, this is my first Oscar-qualified festival. I love this country, my film reproduces its style. And the very fact of selection, I consider a kind of recognition of the authenticity of the film," the director said.
One of the features of the project is that it is made of garbage.

"Selection for such a festival is a miracle. You always hope that your work will be noticed. But, unfortunately, the reality is different, the competition is very high. And even if the film is good, it does not always mean that attention to it will be focused a priori. Therefore, for our studio, this news came as a big and joyful surprise. The world depicted by Anastasia Falileeva got feedback in the country that actually was depicted. Isn't it magical? For us, this is a confirmation that the director has found the right form to express her thoughts, feelings, and the story in general," commented the general producer of studio KAPI Michael Margulis.
Short Shorts Film Festival & Asia began its history in 1999 and is one of the largest short film festivals in Asia. Held in Tokyo, this year due to quarantine restrictions, some of the festival's events will take place online on June 11th.
The festival identifies winners in several categories, such as "Environment", "Tourism", "CG animation", "Documentaries" and more. The Grand Prix-winning film could be nominated for Oscar in the Short Film category next year.
Learn more about the project here.