Animated short "Come outside, Masha" became a finalist of the British festival WeMakeFilms

Animated short "Come outside, Masha" by director Yuliia Shalimova overcame three stages of selection and reached the finale of the WeMakeFilms International Film Festival (Great Britain). The film was created with the support of the British Council (Envision Sound program).

The short film is about a girl who has packed all her life into a smartphone. The six-inch screen of the gadget supplanted a whole reality that, it seems, is no longer attractive to Masha.

Still from the film

"Many themes are intertwined in this film: life in a smartphone (social networks), the period of the pandemic, people's feelings, the rhythm of the city, my poetic understanding of reality. I wanted to cover the topic artistically. I consider it a great fortune to take part in the Envision Sound program. Actually, original music for the film was created within the very program”, said Yuliia Shalimova, the director of the short film.

"Come outside, Masha" became one of the films which were selected for screening during WeMakeFilms International Film Festival. It will take place on 13th November in the online format.

Previously, the animated short was selected for Kamianets-Podilskyi International Film Festival "BRUKIVKA" (Ukraine), Ukrainian Film Festival Berlin (Germany), and Goa Short Film Festival (India). The festival release is ongoing.

The animation lasts 4 and a half minutes and is made in 2D technique.

Production - studio KAPI (with the support of the British Council).

Learn more about the project here.
2021-10-25 17:00